Warts can form anywhere on your feet. (When they develop on the bottom of your feet, we call them plantar warts.) These growths are so common that nearly every person will develop one. For that reason, you can find tons of at-home wart treatments at pharmacies and drug stores. And some might even work! However, even the effective ones are going to take a long time to treat your warts. Plus, they can damage the delicate skin on your feet. So, if you want to get rid of your warts without pain or skin damage, and in a timely manner, come in and ask us about Swift wart treatment in Powder Springs, GA.

The Problem with Traditional Wart Treatments  

Unlike Swift microwave therapy, most wart treatments work by attacking wart tissue, either with a laser, with acid or with liquid nitrogen. And, while laser therapy for warts can be quite effective, the other options can be painful, or even cause scarring on your surrounding tissue. Even worse? While they’re hurting you, those other wart treatments are taking forever to show results.

For that reason, we offer a better option at our podiatry practice in the Lost Mountain neighborhood of Powder Springs. And that option is Swift Wart Treatment, an in-office therapy that quickly and comfortably gets rid of warts, with a less than 1% chance of those growths recurring.

Swift Wart Treatment Therapy:  A Permanent Solution

Wherever your warts form, whether that’s on the sides, bottom, or top of the feet, Swift can effectively target and treat them. How does the wart treatment work? Instead of attacking infected tissue, the Swift Wart Treatment delivers microwave energy that stimulates your body’s own immune response. And, because Swift teaches your body how to fight off the virus causing warts, your chance of recurring warts falls to less than 1% after choosing this treatment option. But how can Swift stimulate your own immune system? This is how it works.  

How Does Swift Wart Treatment Deliver Results?

The Swift Wart Treatment used by Powder Springs podiatrist Dr. Alvin Cowans directly targets warts with low-power microwave energy. The treatment can penetrate several millimeters beneath your skin surface, where it can heat the water molecules living inside that wart. When that happens, the viral particles hiding deep within that wart lose their camouflage, allowing your immune system to detect their presence.
Once that happens, your body can attack the virus causing wart growth. So, not only will your existing wart resolve, future warts are very unlikely to develop. As a result, Swift wart treatment is one of the only options that comes close to curing plantar warts—and permanently, for most patients.

How Long Does Swift Microwave Therapy Take to Cure Warts

While every patient is unique, most people need to have three Swift treatments before their warts clear up for good. And, for most patients, those three Swift wart treatments will be booked with one month between each visit. But don’t start panicking about your busy schedule: each visit will last around 10 minutes or less, with the actual Swift application taking mere seconds.

Even better? There’s very little after care, since we don’t apply dressings to your wart after treatment, and Dr. Cowans won’t need to take off too much wart tissue during your visits. Also? Swift wart treatment is the only therapy you’ll need—you’ll never have to apply topical medications between visits.

Swift Wart Treatment: Does it Hurt? A plantar wart on the bottom of a patient's foot | Georgia podiatrist

As we just mentioned, Swifts applications only take a few seconds. But, during the short application period, some patients do experience mild discomfort. Luckily, once the treatment application is complete, there won’t be any lingering pain. And there won’t be scarring, blisters or sores. Best of all, there’s no down time with this wart treatment. Because, as soon as your Swift treatment is complete, you can immediately resume regular activities, without any prescriptions to fill or dressings to change.

Who Can Choose this Wart Treatment in Powder Springs?

At our podiatry practice, Dr. Alvin Cowans recommends Swift therapy to patients who are looking for lasting results. This treatment modality is consistently effective. Plus, it’s a safe and sterile treatment, designed to be used with a fresh applicator for every patient we treat.

Also, with years of scientific research backing its, Swift Therapy is an FDA-approved wart treatment that’s delivered without anesthesia or numbing, it’s safe for all patients, including children. And, since it’s virtually painless and doesn’t cause blisters or wounds on your feet, we love this treatment option for warts in kids. Afterward, you won’t need to use any medications, meaning it’s also a less invasive treatment than many other wart solutions.

When to Request a Consultation

If you notice a wart forming anywhere on your feet, we want you to come in for a consultation right away. As soon as we see you in the office, we can start attacking your warts. And that means they’re less likely to spread to other parts of your body…or to other people in your home.
But how can you tell the difference between plantar warts and other bumps on your body? Here are some of the common symptoms of warts:

•    A painful lesion on the bottom of your foot (bleeding may be present)
•    Feeling like you’re walking on a small rock
•    A growth with small, black dots in its center

Swift Wart Treatment | Powder Springs podiatrist

Effective Wart Removal in Powder Springs, GA

Do you want to get rid of warts on your feet, and not have to worry that they’ll come back? Reach out to Dr. Cowans’ team and ask for a consultation.

In our Powder Springs podiatry office, we’ll carefully examine your feet to confirm a wart diagnosis. Then, we’ll go over all your wart treatment options, answering any questions or concerns you may have about choosing treatment with Swift Microwave Therapy. Sound like a good plan? Just go online and request an appointment, or call 770-727-0614 for an immediate appointment.